
Intravenous (IV) Therapy

IV High Dose Vitamin C

Why I Need and How Often Should I Get High Dose Vitamin C?
Our bodies absorb only about 18% of the vitamin C we consume. Food and oral supplements usually aren’t enough to achieve optimal health. Vitamin C is destroyed along with the vital, bacterial, and fungi infection, stress, Exercise. We suggest for optimal result, twice per week, up to daily as needed. Continue the treatment long enough to get adequate amounts for the best result. Tests needed: G6PD, Chemistry Panel, CBC, vitamin D.
Suggested Use:
  • Adrenal Insufficiency, Acute & Chronic Stress
  • Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, 
  • Frequency Colds, Chronic Allergies, Asthma
  • Bacterial, Viral  & Fungi Infections
  • Prevention Soreness induced by Exercise
  • Immune Support
  • Toxins
  • Prevention
  • Tissue Repair, Collagen Production
Vitamin C is available as Ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant. Upon infusion into the cell, it oxidizes and converts to dehydroascorbate acid(DHAA) by donating an electron to free radicals and produces H2O2. In the presence of this highly oxygenated state, it destroys abnormal (cancer) cells.  For vial infections or cancer, it is desirable to achieve a high intracellular concentration of DHAA. For bacterial infection, it is helpful to have a high concentration of ascorbate in the blood plasma and interstitial space.  Vitamin C is a crucial factor in collagen production (skin, blood vessels, ligaments, and bones), adrenalin, and carnitine synthesis (energy).  -Collagen Production Collagen holds muscle bones, provides structural support for veins and arteries.  When you don’t have enough collagen, you may have thin skin and weaker blood vessels, bones, tendons, and ligaments.  -Energy Production It helps the breakdown of fat for energy use. It takes part in the synthesis of a carnitine molecule, which serves as a shuttle bringing fats into the mitochondria in our cells for energy production. -Immune Support It may have a direct effect against infectious agents like bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells. -Antioxidant Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps protect cell structures like collagen, proteins, and DNA from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), common in high-stress states, chronic illnesses, and infections. Research has shown vitamin C as an antioxidant can reduce the severity of symptoms associated with the H1N1 influenza virus and is considered a critical add-on therapy in surviving the flu.  -Cancer and Chemotherapy The role of vitamin C as a therapy for cancer is very controversial. No large-scale studies have been done to definitively conclude one way or another if vitamin C has a role in the treatment of cancer.  Even in high doses of 1.5 grams/ kg (over 100 grams), Vitamin C is safe and tolerated very well with very few side effects. 

The Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas, has been using high dose vitamin V therapy for decades and has published a well-known protocol that has become a standard for scientific studies on high dose IV vitamin C. See their website:

US Government NIH National Cancer Institute publishes updated information on the current state of research and knowledge on the use of high dose IV vitamin C in cancer treatment.,

Yale School of Medicine/Yale Cancer Center:

Mayo Clinic: